
Using games when teaching english

Games and fun activities are a vital part of teaching English . Whether you’re teaching adults or children, games will liven up your lesson and ensure that your students will leave the classroom wanting more. Games can be used to warm up the class before your lesson begins, during the lesson to give students a break when you’re tackling a tough subject, or at the end of class when you have a few minutes left to kill. There are literally hundreds, probably thousands, of games that you can play with your students. The importance of games when learning English are multiple 1.   First of all, games add a welcome diversion from the normal activities of the class. This allows students to let off steam and to feel better in their learning environment. 2.   What is more, games lower the students’ level of stress and anxiety, thereby improving the acquisition of language. Indeed, it is proven that students remember things easier and faster when they learn in a relaxed envi...

Grading students

Grading is complicated and subjective, there is no right or wrong way to grade students. Teachers must k eep in mind that when students receive a good grade it can have a positive effect on their motivation, poor grades have no motivational value at all. The purpose of assessment is to help plan instruction around students needs so each student can achieve their academic goals. Once the students have been taught and independent work has been completed, it is only then that a grade should be assigned. In order to asses s student learning  and understanding, it is essential that teachers learn how to grade students. Criteria used for grading should be fair, supported by documentation and clearly articulated to students and parents. There are some strategies you can use to make the grading process more efficient. Use the following tips when deciding on how you will grade your students: ü   Grade while you are in a good mood and make notes to yourself as you grade. ü ...

10 Things Teachers Must Have

There are different methods you can use to teach , and while your teaching style is unique to you, the most important thing is that you engage , motivate and inspire them to learn. A great teacher is one a student remembers and cherishes forever. Teachers have long-lasting impacts on the lives of their students, and the greatest teachers inspire students toward greatness. A new teacher hopes to be ready for anything at the start of teaching, but that is something uncertain. I asked a few teachers to tell me the one thing they wish they knew before they began their teaching careers. I am happy to share with you my video about teachers must haves!! Whether you are a student teacher or have just graduated and are searching for a teaching position this video has some ideas about the things teachers must have to start with. 1.      Motivation 2.      Special Handshake 3.      Classroom environment 4.  ...

Anchor Charts

Have you ever faced the fact that students don´t remember a topic or steps to do something? Well it have had happened to me a lot mostly with the verb tenses. I had to asked myself... What can I do to provide my students a little help without recalling once again the whole topic? ANCHOR CHARTS!!! ... Yes anchor charts!!! A ammm?? What is an anchor chart? A n anchor chart is a tool used to support instruction and to move the student towards achieving success with lessons taught in class. They are also used as a classroom management tool for students to self-monitor their behavior by gently reminding them of expectations and routines. Anchor charts are created during the instruction of the lesson. As the teacher models the lesson or strategy, the lesson reinforcement or strategy tool is written on chart paper. Once the lesson is complete, the chart is placed in a convenient student-friendly location that the students can access it independently. This is another vehicle for...

Arrenging your classroom

What things do you take in consideration when arrenging your classrrom? I liked looking through many ideas in pictures. It gets my creative juices flowing, even though I’m pretty limited in what I can do with the desks in my room. I teach in a elementary school, and the desks are large and one piece. I also have 17  of them in a good size   class room. However, I have dreams of one day having a bigger classroom where I can put some puffs in a reading corner. We have to be creative with what we have so h ere are some tips for creating a nice and welcomed classroom for your students. Reflect on what you are trying to accomplish and make your space work for you rather than against you. Before you set out to arrange your classroom, consider asking yourself the following questions: l   What information do my students need to know? They need to know the date, assignment, classroom procedures, etc. l   What will inspire my students every day? Quo...

Open class

So, What is the first thing that comes to your mind when the words OPEN CLASS is mentioned by your principal? Well for me it is like a scary movie, thinking in the subject, material, decoration and preparation is scary. This time I decided to make a presentation and the topic was "Travelling around the world" each student of fifth grade choose a country and they had to search for important information to provide to the audience (parents) such as language spoken, ubication, typical food, and a monument representative or a sightseeing of the country. They made a 3D representation and they brought some typical snacks of the country to share. For me this activity helped students to feel confident when speaking the language in front of strangers as well as learning about other places. The interesting thing was that they learned words in the language spoken in the chosen country... I learned to say bye in German "AUF WIEDERSEHEN" It was an activity that I saw par...

Learning english with songs.

How many times have we had the lyrics of a song in our head for days? or how many times have we heard our mother telling us "If you knew (the multiples of 8) as you know the songs" There is no doubt that songs, through their rhythm and musicality, contribute to the learning and memorization of linguistic structures. So why note taking advantage of this when we want to acquire a new language? Singing is great for learning the rhythm of a language. It helps us learn how words are linked together in connected speech. Singing along can be challenging, even for native speakers. So help your students with these easy steps: Find the song lyrics online, or find a music video with subtitles.              For example, Sing and Learn , Super Simple Songs ,  The singing Walrus and   PINKFONG  are great for younger children.  Read the song lyrics out loud. Look up any unknown words in a dictionary. L...