10 Things Teachers Must Have

There are different methods you can use to teach, and while your teaching style is unique to you, the most important thing is that you engage, motivate and inspire them to learn.
A great teacher is one a student remembers and cherishes forever. Teachers have long-lasting impacts on the lives of their students, and the greatest teachers inspire students toward greatness.
A new teacher hopes to be ready for anything at the start of teaching, but that is something uncertain. I asked a few teachers to tell me the one thing they wish they knew before they began their teaching careers.
I am happy to share with you my video about teachers must haves!!
Whether you are a student teacher or have just graduated and are searching for a teaching position this video has some ideas about the things teachers must have to start with.

1.     Motivation
2.     Special Handshake
3.     Classroom environment
4.     Colorful classroom
5.     E-text books
6.     Use of videos
7.     Games
8.     Flashcards
9.     Anchor charts
10.  School Supplies

These are the things I just think about and recommend every teacher should consider having in their own classrooms and their professional life. 

I’d love to hear from you in the comments what 10 things do you think a teacher must have?

Thanks for reading!!!


  1. In my personal opinion the 10 things a teacher must have are:

    Wide range of skills
    Intelligence in all the aspects
    Good communication (Verbal and Non-Verbal)
    Resources and Materials

    And my favorite: Courage, I think this is the most important one because that´s like the signature mark some teachers have.

    Thanks Lupita!

  2. I think that many of the things that teachers should have, there is a lot of talk about our behavior in class, and what we should and should not do.

    But I believe that one of the paramount things to do our job well is to have a vocation and I believe that the rest is given in a simpler and more natural way, since we would not need manuals to read, to become good teachers.

    Unfortunately there are people who choose this profession for the wrong reasons, and their work is affected from the way they work.

    So I can advise, "love your work and you'll never have to work"

  3. For me, I teacher must have:
    1. Pasion
    2. Values
    3. Creativity
    4. Interest in the students
    5. Patience
    6. Couching
    7. Challenging but reachable activities
    8. knowledge
    9. Control over his emotions
    10. Humor

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. In my opinion the 10 things that a good teacher have are:
    Effective classroom management
    Emotional support
    Positive attitude

    Thanks for sharing =)


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