Grading students

Grading is complicated and subjective, there is no right or wrong way to grade students. Teachers must keep in mind that when students receive a good grade it can have a positive effect on their motivation, poor grades have no motivational value at all.
The purpose of assessment is to help plan instruction around students needs so each student can achieve their academic goals. Once the students have been taught and independent work has been completed, it is only then that a grade should be assigned.
In order to assess student learning and understanding, it is essential that teachers learn how to grade students. Criteria used for grading should be fair, supported by documentation and clearly articulated to students and parents.
There are some strategies you can use to make the grading process more efficient.Use the following tips when deciding on how you will grade your students:

ü Grade while you are in a good mood and make notes to yourself as you grade.
ü Identify common problems students had with an assignment and prepare a handout addressing those problems.
ü Include a positive comment followed by the things he/she needs to work on if needed.
ü Use an I for incomplete not a 0 (zero) that will hurt their average.
ü Give students the opportunity to "redo" their mistakes.
ü Involve students in the grading process.
ü Don't reduce marks for being late.
ü Don't factor in attendance.
ü Don't grade every single assignment you give students.

I don´t understand what a grade means to a particular student. Sometimes, one student will have earned an “8” on a grammar exam and that student will say “oh no,I got an 8 my mom will kill me!!” while another student who also earned an “8” will say “YES! I got an 8!” So again, it’s really up to each student and his/her background.

Honestly, I’d just as soon skip the grading process entirely and just concentrate on creating the opportunity for students to learn something. And by the way, I don’t know and have never known any teacher or professor who particularly looks forward to grading student work; no one finds grading pleasant, interesting or rewarding. But our principal and parents expects me to give students grades and they expect to receive them, so here we are grading this second trimester. Looking foward for parent´s claims!!!
Thanks for reading.


  1. I think that we shouldn´t be that severe with students, but we also need to show them that some times the grade they have is the one they deserved, specially when you work with teeanagers, some of them can get some troubles while learning English but you can see the effort and the work really hard, of course you need to grade other factors. Maybe grading should be flexible somehow but there are going to be some main aspects where you shouldn´t change the criteria. Also I haven´t known a teacher that loves grading, maybe our there we have a unique teacher. Thnaks for sharing Lupita!

  2. I don't know how to say, but in my case is complicated sometimes to evaluate, because it looks like it's very easy, because I don't evaluate with numbers, just with three colors, one for each value.

    But there're some situations that we have to evaluate something in particular and not all students learn at the same rhythm, and the range is long, so sometimes is difficult, but well obviously I have to focus on that special cases and work harder to level all students and don't put a wrong evaluation.

  3. In my personal opinion, grades should incorporate both knowledge and student's attitude towards it, since the grade is going to reflect all the work the student made to get to it. Feedback is important after any evaluation so our students now what things they need to work and which others they need to keep. On the other side, real life is not like that and when our students go to higher education schools, everything that matters are an exam and then they face a different situation, situation. So, I think that even if we do not like grading exams and many society sectors are against them, our students must know how to answer an exam. Thanks for sharing!

  4. At preschool the way I evaluate is by using colors, the color red is excellent, the color blue is good and the color green is in learning process. I evaluate behavior, classwork and oral participation.

    I don’t do exams instead of that I evaluate with a continuous evaluation, so I
    look at their achievements. I usually take notes of the kids and at the end I count the good and bad things that the kid did at every aspect to evaluate, then I calculate the average.

    For me it isn’t easy to do an evaluation because I have to pay attention on every child, also there are children with special capacities and it is complicated.

    Thanks for sharing =)


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