Learning english with songs.
How many times have we had the lyrics of a song in our head for days? or how many times have we heard our mother telling us "If you knew (the multiples of 8) as you know the songs"
There is no doubt that songs, through their rhythm and musicality, contribute to the learning and memorization of linguistic structures. So why note taking advantage of this when we want to acquire a new language?
Singing is great for learning the rhythm of a language. It helps us learn how words are linked together in connected speech.
Singing along can be challenging, even for native speakers.
So help your students with these easy steps:
- Find the song lyrics online, or find a music video with subtitles. For example, Sing and Learn, Super Simple Songs, The singing Walrus and PINKFONG are great for younger children.
- Read the song lyrics out loud. Look up any unknown words in a dictionary.
- Listen to the song and read the lyrics at the same time. Encourage your child to sing along.
- When they’re ready, try singing along without looking at the lyrics.
- Remember, they don’t have to get it perfect straight away! It’s actually more effective to repeat regularly.
Some children find it hard to speak English because they are shy or lack confidence. Singing with other people can help. It creates a safe space for children to practise expressing themselves aloud. Ask other family members to join in when your child sings at home. They don’t have to be musical. They simply need to be enthusiastic!
Here´s a song that I loved to use to start my class... Hope you like it.
So, do you use songs to teach English? I do and I love it!!!
I agree: songs are the excellent tools to teach students as you can use a well-known song and have your students concentrated in the activity or even surprised about something that they can discover in the song of from it, all while having fun. I have used them for many purposes and they really work. Thanks for sharing!
ResponderBorrarI think songs can be adapted in many activities and that´s one big advantage of them. It really depends on what we want to focus so we can adapt them, some songs are really good for grammar, others for vocabulary and even some of them can boost our students pronunciation. Students like these activities since they don´t feel they are working, and they really enjoy them. Thanks for sharing Lupita!
ResponderBorrarI work with preschool level so I usually use songs, they love to move and sing. And that help them to improve and review the vocabulary and grammar structure they know. I have made use of some music sites like Super Simple Songs, The singing Walrus and PINKFONG, but I never heard about Sing and Learn I think I’m going to apply one of this website in my classes.
ResponderBorrarThank you Lupita!!!
The music in our lives is inevitable, as well as indispensable, everything that surrounds us has some link with the music, it can generate changes in mood, both happiness and sadness.
ResponderBorrarFor this reason, learning with music allows us to do it in a more natural, simple and fun way, activities with this tool always give you unexpected results.
I believe that music is as much a part of us as learning itself, because we never stop learning.