Anchor Charts
Have you ever faced the fact that students don´t remember a topic or steps to do something? Well it have had happened to me a lot mostly with the verb tenses.
I had to asked myself... What can I do to provide my students a little help without recalling once again the whole topic?
ANCHOR CHARTS!!! ... Yes anchor charts!!!
Aammm?? What is an anchor chart?
An anchor chart is a tool used to support instruction and to move the student towards achieving success with lessons taught in class. They are also used as a classroom management tool for students to self-monitor their behavior by gently reminding them of expectations and routines.
Anchor charts are created during the instruction of the lesson. As the teacher models the lesson or strategy, the lesson reinforcement or strategy tool is written on chart paper. Once the lesson is complete, the chart is placed in a convenient student-friendly location that the students can access it independently. This is another vehicle for academic support, especially for the visual learner. The beauty of an anchor chart is that it can be displayed as needed or determined by the student work. Some anchor charts live all year long in the classroom, while others are only displayed during the current unit of study.
How to Create an Anchor Chart
1. Choose a Learning Objective.
The first step in how to create an anchor chart is to think about your learning objectives, teaching standards, and/or overall lesson ideas.
What exactly do you want students to master?
2. Gather the Appropriate Materials.
You will need white anchor chart paper, markers, crayons, images, ruler, scissors, etc.
3. Do a Little Research for Inspiration.
Take a look at pinterest there are a lot of great ideas.
4. Create Anchor Charts with Students.
Anchor charts are meant to be teaching and learning tools that help students learn concepts, so include them as part of your lesson.
5. Add a Little Pizzazz.
Add just enough color to make the chart “pop”, and leave a good amount of white space.Keep in mind that the anchor chart is for students’ use.
6. Strategically Place Completed Anchor Chart.
After creating a chart, put it in a visible place where students can refer to it as needed.
Once I discovered them I can´t stop making more.
What do you think about anchor charts?
Do you used them in your classroom?
Thanks for reading!!!
Sometimes I use them per topic but once we finished the topic we eliminate them because it can be a visual distractor for the students when we want to make activities that require conscentration, the classical example: a test. They are pretty useful and I like them a lot. However, I prefer to also organize the information in concept charts or in any other way that can also help my students. I like the topic. Thanks for sharing!
ResponderBorrarClaaaro since preschool is a great tool, since they are super visual, and helps to understand and receive information, which helps them to remember the contents more easily.
ResponderBorrarMany times we forget, the large number of tools we have as teachers to achieve learning in our children, but also has much to see the creativity of the mestra to use these resources in class, and know how to handle so that the goal is met .
I also use them, but I let my students do them and then they place it around the classroom. They really like it because they make topics easy to understand and while we do an activity, they can have a quick peek if they need to verify something. But as Iven mentioned, the students can get distracted or if you have a quiz and you forget to take them off, all your students will get A+ :D
ResponderBorrarNevertheless, they are funny to do, to see, and they are helpful too. Thanks for sharing!
I used posters but I’ve never done an anchor chart. I think is a good idea because the kids can remember what they have learned and see it when they need the information, also there is no necessity to ask to the teacher every time they forget something because they have a visual aid, and that is good =) because they become independent learners.
ResponderBorrarThank you!