Multiple Intelligences

Are you having difficulties teaching or learning a new topic?
Ever wanted to know why you learn the way you do or why some activities or tasks come so easily while others require more effort?

Everyone learns in different ways - knowing this, and knowing how they learn, helps students to be more confident and find ways to improve their English. It may also help them to learn more effectively in other areas of their lives
    • Linguistic intelligence: the ability to read, write, listen and speak;
    • Spatial intelligence: the ability to orient yourself in space;
    • Logic-mathematical intelligence: the ability to calculate, solve logical puzzles, reason and think scientifically;
    • Musical intelligence: the ability to sing, play a musical instrument, analyze music and compose music;
    • Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: the ability to move your body in a coordinated way, for example in dance, sports or surgery.
    • Interpersonal intelligence: the ability to understand and interpret verbal and nonverbal behavior of others;
    • Intrapersonal intelligence: the ability to reflect on your own actions and to understand them.
    • Naturalist intelligence: the ability to recognize and categorize objects in the natural world;
    • Existential intelligence: the ability to determine your own position with regards to existential features of the human existence, such as death and the meaning of life

Here is a quiz so that you can find out your intelligence and figure it out if it makes your studying easier... please let me know if you agree with the result.

Thanks for reading!!


  1. I got the Spatial and Mathematical as highest and I totally agree, I´ve taken other test and I have the same results. The main thing with this theory is that we can apply it in our classroom and we can see which are the strongest intelligences our students have, and how we can apply activities that can include their intelligences resultig in a better performance for our students. Thanks Lupita, I really liked it!

  2. Oh my god, it's a very interesting topic, and at the same time very complex.
    We as teachers have to have a polyfacetic attitude, to get everyone to learn, sometimes it is exhausting, but at the end it is worth seeing the result and realizing that despite being different in the way they learn, they manage to acquire knowledge, and it is satisfying to know that you were part of it.
    Unfortunately I think that not many teachers take into account this important issue.
    In preschool, it really works to do activities of different types of learning, since motivation and interest in the subject is achieved.
    Excellent topic !!! =D ThankYou

  3. It is very important for a teacher to know the multiple intelligences because this theory helps us to create meaningful environments where students are given the opportunity to learn no matter whan intelligence they may have. Nevertheless, it is difficult to put into practice all the intelligences in a class, so we may be able to put some of them (two or three) at a time, but we should not forget to put the others into practice in the following class. Thanks for sharing!

  4. The multiple intelligences are important to use because everybody has different ways to learn and understand. So when I plan I try to do diverse activities to reinforce the topic and that’s the way the kids can learn better. Because if there are kids with musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence or logic-mathematical intelligence, I can catch their attention.

    I got Intrapersonal, Visual/Spatial and Logical/Mathematical.

    Thanks for sharing Lupita =)


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