Learning english with songs.
How many times have we had the lyrics of a song in our head for days? or how many times have we heard our mother telling us "If you knew (the multiples of 8) as you know the songs" There is no doubt that songs, through their rhythm and musicality, contribute to the learning and memorization of linguistic structures. So why note taking advantage of this when we want to acquire a new language? Singing is great for learning the rhythm of a language. It helps us learn how words are linked together in connected speech. Singing along can be challenging, even for native speakers. So help your students with these easy steps: Find the song lyrics online, or find a music video with subtitles. For example, Sing and Learn , Super Simple Songs , The singing Walrus and PINKFONG are great for younger children. Read the song lyrics out loud. Look up any unknown words in a dictionary. L...